Basketball is a game of 100% focus, teamwork, agility and accuracy with two competing teams pitting against each other to win the game.
Led by Coach Andre Wong, the NYJC basketball team trains every Monday and Thursday for the boys and Tuesday and Friday for the girls, from 5pm – 7pm. Under the strict supervision of Coach Wong, we train hard and participate in the National School Games `A’ Division Championship every year and strive for the best results.
Though basketball may seem like a simple game of scoring baskets, the effort required to play the sport on a competitive level as a team is beyond simple. Through the tough training sessions, we grow and improve as a team, learn to trust each other, overcome any obstacles hindering our progress and develop the chemistry between each and every one of us – in short, becoming a family. You will never truly understand the sense of accomplishment of fighting alongside your teammates on the court unless you participate in this sport.
So what are you waiting for? Come join NYJC basketball and embark on this journey with us!
“Join us as teammates, leave as family!”