Mathematics Department
The Mathematics Department is in charge of the following subjects:
H1 Mathematics 8865 (Revised)
Students without O-Level Additional Mathematics can consider this subject
because it offers an opportunity for them to learn important mathematical
concepts and skills in algebra and calculus that are taught in Additional
Mathematics. Students will also learn basic statistical methods that are
necessary for studies in business and social sciences.
H2 Mathematics 9758 (Revised)
This subject prepares students for a range of university courses, including
mathematics, sciences, engineering and related courses, where a good foundation
in mathematics is required. It develops mathematical thinking and reasoning
skills that are essential for further learning of mathematics. This subject
assumes the knowledge of O-Level Additional Mathematics.
H2 Further Mathematics 9649 (Revised)
This subject must be taken together with H2 Mathematics.
H3 Mathematics 9820 (Revised)
This subject must be taken together with H2 Mathematics and is only offered
in the second year to students who have performed outstandingly well in
H2 Mathematics.
H2 Computing 9569 (Revised)
It is strongly recommended that this subject be taken with H2 Mathematics.
Mathematics Department Members