Innovation and Technology
The department promotes and support the innovative and effective use of Information and Technology to develop independent and engaged learning amongst students and to facilitate admin processes efficiently for our staff.
It commits to develop staff competency in the use of IT by conducting relevant workshops for professional and personal development. The department also works towards conducting relevant enrichment workshops and secure partnership with industry partners to broaden the students’ knowledge and skills in IT.
The Media Resource Library
1. The library has a collection of more than 30,000 print and non-print resources (Fictional and non-fictional books, DVD, CD-ROMs etc) and more than 30 periodicals.
2. Electronic resources that can be accessed online are as follows:
Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. This a one-stop source for information on today’s hottest social issues. Drawing on acclaimed series published by Greenhaven Press and other Thomson Gale imprints, OVRC features viewpoint articles, topic overviews, full-text magazines, academic journals, and newspaper articles, primary source documents, statistics, images and podcasts, and links to Websites. New to the database are Lexile reading levels for periodicals and an integrated national and state curriculum standards search with content correlated to the standards.
The World and I – An Interactive media info on world issues.
Geofile – A geography online website
Newslink – provides access to the electronic archive of news articles from major newspapers in Singapore.
3. Access to the World Wide Web is provided via available desktops in the library.
4. Library discussion rooms allow students to work in small groups without disturbing others.
5. Partnership with National Library Board (NLB) to bring in more resources for staff and students' borrowing.
Innovation and Technology Members