Physical Education & CCA Department
The college provides students with a balance of work and play (through exercise) while preparing them for the GCE ‘A’ Level Examination.
Physical Education (PE) Programme
PE is compulsory for all students. Students have to attend 4 PE periods
of 30 minutes each per week. Lessons are devoted to the teaching of psychomotor
and game skills. Physical conditioning is also part of the curriculum
to prepare students for the National Physical Fitness Award (NAPFA) test.
Information on health and weight management will be shared with students
who fall within the overweight or underweight category. All medically-fit
students are required to take the NAPFA test.
Co-Curricular Activities
In line with our mission to develop students holistically, all students
are to take part in at least one Co-Curricular Activity. The college also
wishes to enhance students’ leadership qualities through CCA. Students’
involvement in CCA is crucial to character development.
Although there are no CCA grades awarded, students with good CCA achievement and contributions are considered favourably for university admission and scholarships award.
The college offers the following categories of CCA:
1. Sports and Games;
2. Aesthetics; and
3. Clubs and Societies.
Physical Education & CCA Department Members